Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology (JECST)
- It is distributed four times a year. The first volume was published in september of 2010.
- publishes high–level Communications, Research Articles and Mini-Reviews related to all field of electrochemical science and technology.
- aims for high-speed reviewing process in 2 weeks.
- maintains Full Open Access with no fee for both authors and readers.
- is the official journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society and publishes quarterly and welcomes contributions from members and non-members equally.
- Impact Factor of 2023: 2.2
Covering fields:
- Batteries and Energy Storage
- Biological Electrochemistry
- Corrosion Science and Technology
- Electroanalytical Chemistry and Sensor Technology
- Electrocatalysis
- Electrochemical Capacitors & Supercapcitors
- Electrochemical Engineering
- Electrodeposition and Surface Treatment
- Environmental Science and Technology
- Fuel Cells
- Material Electrochemistry
- Molecular Electrochemistry and Organic Electrochemistry
- Physical Electrochemistry
- Solar Energy Conversion and Photoelectrochemistry